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Burnout Syndrome: A friction to work

Burnout is often misunderstood as depression. Depression is the advanced stage of burnout syndrome. However, Burnout Syndrome is primarily a result of your professional life stress, unlike depression. 

What is the first thing that comes to mind when somebody asks about your work life? Does the answer is, Busy, Hectic, or Boring in an unenthusiastic manner? 

When a person started his/her new job or business. Everything was exciting and inspiring during the initial time. They were eager to face obstacles coming their way, loaded with all the optimism and passion for achieving their goals. 

Suddenly one day, that person starts feeling tired and loses enthusiasm. Previously set goals appear impossible now and don’t feel like going to work anymore. Once a hardworking person is now dull and under-performing. 

Do you relate? If yes, then this state is called Burnout Syndrome

As per the American Thoracic Society, it was first described in the 1970s. BOS is a work-related constellation of symptoms that usually occurs in individuals without any prior history of psychological or psychiatric disorders. Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.

According to the latest definition of Burnout syndrome based on Farber’s proposal, “Burnout is a psychosocial syndrome. It involves feelings of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and diminished personal accomplishment at work.”  

In other words, when a person starts to feel exhausted due to chronic stress build-up, it ends up in Burnout syndrome. Let us break down Farber’s definition into parts for better understanding.  

Emotional exhaustion is a situation where a person lacks energy and feels emotionally unstable. Depersonalization means a person develops a negative attitude toward themselves, bosses, and even clients. The person even gets irritated at every challenge they meet at work. Diminished personal accomplishment means developing a mental attitude of degrading or underestimating oneself -a constant sense of dissatisfaction emerging within.  

All the above conditions contribute to Burnout syndrome. It is a classic workplace situation that anyone can face in their career. Most people at the workplace have gone through this syndrome at least once in their professional life.  

Mostly the best performing employees are at higher risk of Burnout syndrome. When people take their work-life very seriously, there is a higher chance of feeling disappointed at some point. These let down moments and high work stress are the primary reasons for pushing people towards Burnout syndrome. 

Burnout syndrome has various symptoms. However, there is no mutual agreement about the clear signs of Burnout. From so many definitions that indicate the Burnout is caused by work-related or professional life stress. 

Here are the three most common symptoms or signs of Burnout: Exhaustion, Work stress, and reduction in performance. 

Burnout is often misunderstood as depression. Depression is the advanced stage of burnout syndrome. However, Burnout Syndrome is primarily a result of your professional life stress, unlike depression. 

Burnout syndrome has many consequences affecting a person’s overall health. Professionals like Nurses and Doctors who work in emergency services have a high chance of suffering from post-traumatic stress disorders, alcohol abuse. In the worst case, they even get suicidal thoughts. 

Burnout is directly related to work-life stress. The person’s ability to balance pressure can prevent them from this syndrome. Burnout syndrome may sound unconquerable, but this is not the end. It is a sign that a person needs to fix their life and get back on the right track. 

Self-awareness is the best cure for Burnout syndrome. Stay aware and dedicated to your well-being. 

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